877-721-9266 or 269-729-9244
[email protected]

Kindly do not contact Building, Electrical, or Mechanical Inspector to schedule any inspections.

For Zoning, Building, Electrical, and Mechanical INFORMATION please call:

Zoning Official
Alton Neal
Phone: 269-729-9244
Cell: 269-223-0970
Email: [email protected]

Plan Reviewer & Building Official
Rich McGrew
Phone: 269-729-9244
Cell: 269-401-0436
Email: [email protected]

Electrical Inspector
Chaunsey Hackenberg
Phone: 269-729-9244
Cell: 269-998-3875
Email: [email protected]

Mechanical Inspector
Walter DeVisser
Phone: 269-729-9244
Cell: 269-427-7543
Email: [email protected]


BEFORE beginning ANY Electrical, Mechanical, Building, and Plumbing installation, alterations, or improvements you must submit the proper application (see below) for a Permit.

877-721-9266 or 269-729-9244
[email protected]

107 S. Capital Ave - P.O. Box 190
Athens, MI 49011



Permits are also required for Garage, Yard and Rummage Sales. The cost is $3.00 and may be completed and paid at the Township Hall during office hours.



ord. no. 05 - Outdoor Assemblies
ord. no. 07 - Enforcing Agency ~ Building Code
ord. no. 09 - Housing Maintenance
ord. no. 10 - Flood Plain Control
ord. no. 12 - Fiscal Year Ordinance
ord. no. 13 - Fair Housing
ord. no. 14 - Housing Commission
ord. no. 15 - Electrical Code
ord. no. 16 - Bicentennial Park Ordinance
ord. no. 17 - Enforcing Agency - Mechanical
ord. no. 19 - Garage Sales and Rummage Sales
ord. no. 23 - Cable Television Franchise
ord. no. 24 - Sanitary Sewer Connection
ord. no. 26 - Sanitary Sewer Connection, Use and Rates
ord. no. 27 - Sanitary Sewer Revenue Bonds
ord. no. 28 - Consumers Power Company Electric Franchise Ordinance
ord. no. 29 - Sanitary Sewer Disposal Facilities
ord. no. 31 - Franchise Ordinance
ord. no. 32 - Cost Recovery Ordinance
ord. no. 34 - Michigan Gas Utilites Franchise
ord. no. 35 - Indiana Michigan Power Company Franchise
ord. no. 36 - False Alarm
ord. no. 37 - Curfew
ord. no. 38 -- Unlawful Assembly compiled with 88
ord. no. 39 - Anti-Noise & Public Nuisance Ordinance
ord. no. 40 - Junkyards
ord. no. 47 - Hazardous Spill Expense Recovery
ord. no. 48 - Rules for Sidewalks  Outdoor Tent Canopy Sales
ord. no. 50 - Comsumers Energy Company Electric Franchise
ord. no. 52 - Great Lakes Energy Gas Services Franchise
ord. no. 53 - Municipal Civil Infraction Ordinance
ord. no. 55 - Anti-Blight
ord. no. 56 - International Property Maintenance Code
ord. no. 57 - Telecommunications Ordinance
ord. no. 58 - Fire Charge Ordinance
ord. no. 59 - Traffic Code Ordinance
ord. no. 61 - Water and Sewer Service to New & Existing Developments
ord. no. 63 - Pertaining to Conditional Rezoning Ordinance
ord. no. 67 - Consumers Energy Company Electric Franchise, for Energy Palisades
ord. no. 72 - Public Water Service
ord. no. 80 -- Ordinance to Confirm Establishment of Planning Commissin with Zoning Authority.doc
ord. no. 83 - State Construction Code
ord. no. 84 - Dangerous Buildings
ord. no. 85 - Weed Ordinance
ord. no. 86 - Amendment to False Alarm Ordinance 02.24.2017
ord. no. 87 - Platted Lot Split
ord. no. 88  repeal and amend ordinances
ord. no. 94 - Municipal Civil Infration Conversion Amendement 04.18.2017
ord. no. 96 - Prohibition of Recreational Marihuana Establishments Ord
ord. no. 99 -  Land Division Ordinance Amended by Ord. 121
ord. no. 101 - Indiana Michigan Power Company Franchise Agreement
ord. no. 102 -Michigan Gas Utilities Corporation Franchise Agreement
ord. no. 104 - Fire Code Adoption
ord. no. 104a - Fire Code 2018
ord. no. 106 - Floodplain Ordinance
ord. no. 107 - Mobile Food Trucks and Trailer Fire Safety Requirements
ord. no. 111 - Cemetery Ordinance
ord. no. 112 - Rental Housing Ordinance
ord. no. 117 - Covert. Park, Beach and Camground Ordinance
ord. no. 118 - Short Term Rental Ordinance
ord. no. 119 - Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Solar Energy and Waterfront Lot Access
ord. no. 120 - Amendment to Zoning Ordinance .. Wineries/Cideries. Section 18.32, Amend Section 23, 27, 28
ord. no. 121 - Ordinance to amend Ord 99
ord. no. 122 - Battery Energy Storage Systems
ord. no. 123 - Outdoor Assemblies

Covert Township Zoning Ordinances

Driveway Culvert Notice

Excerpt from: Van Buren County Road Commission, Township Transportation Partners Booklet 12/2018

"Driveways are a resident's access point to their property. This access point must be permitted by the Road Commission according to the process outlined below. Proper installation and maintenance of driveways, including culverts, is the responsibility of the property owner (or a designated, permitted contractor). The Road Commission is able to provide installation for a fee.

Property Owners must maintain their driveway culverts to prevent drainage problems for the roadway. Proper driveway maintenance includes: Removing debris from the culvert regularly and maintaining culvert end sections. If a property owner recognizes an issue with their culvert they can request the Road Commission inspect the culvert by submitting a driveway permit application, available here.

If the Road Commission recognizes a concern with a property owner's driveway and/or culvert, the Road Commission will make contact with the property owner either in person or by mail/notice. The Road Commission will work with the property owner to provide information necessary to make corrections. If the property owner refuses to comply, a formal encroachment notice will be issued and the Road Commission will proceed with necessary repairs, to be billed to the property owner. If the property owner does not pay for these repairs, the Road Commission will work with our Township Partners to get uncollected repairs added to tax bills (MCL 247.181)."